Hello friends! I hope you all are tucked away safe from Hurricane Sandy. Our weekend was full of Halloween festivities and family celebrations, a good combo if I do say so myself.
On Friday we went to a friends annual halloween party where Michael sported his costume I made (post coming up). Saturday we spent the day celebrating Aunt Peggy's Birthday by taking a trip to the Renwick Gallery (which is lovely) eating a delicious pumpkin cake that sister Kerry prepared, and an equally good beer can chicken that Prince Michael grilled for us. Inspector Lewis may have also made an appearance to help us cap off the festivities.
Sunday we had some friends over for a low key afternoon which involved pumpkin carving, a somewhat successful attempt at caramel apples, and Zoe stealing the show in her bumblebee costume. I also made this recipe from Smitten Kitchen which turned out really well (she seriously never fails). Also of note, I've eaten my weight in Halloween candy this weekend and enjoyed every bite.
More photos after the jump!
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