
Adventures in Chalkboard Paint

Last week I painted one wall of our office with black chalkboard paint. I realize chalkboard paint is super trendy but I decided as chief decorator of Highclere to not be put off by trends if I really loved them. The chalkboard paint was a little annoying to work with but I love the way it turned out. I wasn't exactly sure what do with the large black wall but I had visions of becoming a master chalk artist (Ha!), or of just writing a super long to do list on the wall (not fun but practical). Then last week I came upon this image on pinterest (oh how I love pinterest!) and knew exactly what to do with my chalkboard wall. I happened to have some Washi tape lying around that I had bought at Trohv and I also had lots of pieces of art and other tidbits that had been laying in stacks on the floor waiting to be put up so this felt like a very easy way to use things I already had. I would say I spent ten minutes working on this wall which feels like the right amount of time to me. I also love that everything is just taped up so I can easily switch things out without patching up our plaster walls every go round. Clearly I couldn't resist trying out my chalk art skills by copying another image I saw on Pinterest. I'm thinking I won't quit my day job just yet.

P.S. I am a pinning machine. If you want to see what the madness is all about you can follow me on pinterest!

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  1. I love it! Very well executed :)

  2. that looks awesome!! love chalkboard paint.

  3. love this, especially the hot pink washi tape!

  4. I saw it in person, and can attest to its awesomeness


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