
Monday and some changes

Well here we are. Another Monday. The good news is... I'm going to be switching jobs starting in January and I'll be taking two weeks off before starting the new position (!). It would be hard for me to overstate how excited I am about the prospect of so much time off. Basically I'm looking at two very busy work weeks while I wrap things up at my current job, followed by what I hope are two very lazy weeks at home celebrating the holidays before starting my new job (which I'm also excited about!). Since finishing my MA this summer I've been asked a lot about dream jobs, and career paths. I find it a little overwhelming truthfully. But, I found this article to be really perfect. I always feel like I sound so uninspired when people ask what I want to do and I answer that there are many things I'd like to do. Upwards and onwards friends!

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that refreshing article! And I can't wait to hear about the job more- so glad to hear that it is finally a sure thing!!


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