Creeping Charlie

I have some good news for you and some bad news for you. I'll start with the good news. Look what I found growing in our garden! Eeek! I'm using the term garden here liberally since mostly what we grow are weeds. Still, very encouraging and delicious!

Now on to the bad news. We have lots, and I mean lots of this weed that has been nicknamed honeyvine milkweed. It sounds so innocent but it is everywhere and everything I read indicates it's impossible to get rid of! At first I thought it was Creeping Charlie, which I liked because the name sounded A) appropriate, and B) like something I would have come up with myself. But it's not. Actually though upon further research I've discovered honeyvine milkweed is one of the only plants monarch butterflies eat, so perhaps I should keep some.

Perhaps I'll talk to my new best friends at the garden club about this. Or to Mike's dad who is a botanist. Imagine my luck!

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  1. So envious of your tomato bounty! I must make my way over to Brookland sometime before the summer is over to see your burgeoning garden in action, honeyvine milkweed and all.

  2. Thanks Rachael! Yes I need to have book club over ASAP!


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