Notes from the weekend

Hello Friends! I'm nearly recovered from another busy weekend that included a beautiful wedding in a historic library in Baltimore, more work around the house, a visit with an old friend, and a trip to Red Rocks in Columbia Heights. For the record, I think Menomale is easily better than Red Rocks.

On Sunday morning, em, afternoon when we finally got ourselves out the door I insisted that we drive to north Baltimore to go to Greg's Bagels which in my opinion is the best bagel place in all the land. I've been going to this place since I was a kid and sadly since I live in DC I don't get to go much anymore. I rationalized that since I slept through breakfast it would be appropriate for me to eat two bagels instead of just one. So, I ate a chocolate chip bagel with cream cheese, and a sesame bagel with lox. Yes, in one sitting, and yes, I do remember this book. In full disclosure, I also got some chocolate chip bagels to go and ate two of them plain for dinner last night before passing out at 9pm. To summarize, I was awake for a total of 9 hours, and consumed 4 bagels in that time. How do we feel about this?

Also, while we're talking about bagels, why is it, I wonder, that DC has no good bagel places to speak of? How hard could it be for someone to make good bagels in this city of ours?

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