I Shan't Mention it Again

I recently explained to Mike that February is the worst month of the year. Obviously I have a long list of well thought out and compelling reasons why this is the case and I shared them all with Mike while we trudged to the metro one slushy morning. I waited for Mike to get in on the fun* (yeah February is the worst!, Eff February!!, Screw this month!) but was met instead with silence. And then: "Lindsey, you do know you tell me this every February don't you"? Guys I have given him this exact spiel not once or twice before, but actually every year of our relationship or so I'm told. That is to say, I have given this speech many (many) times. Poor guy. Winter's really not my thing but I don't wish to drive anyone to the point of insanity with my complaints. For this reason I am making a little note here to remind myself not to tell Mike or anyone else next year how much I dislike February and certainly not to make it into an annual monologue I share with anyone who happens to be within 5 feet of me on a cold day... even if February truly is the worst month . And really, it's hard to be mad at February right now when it keeps giving me beautiful snowy days. I listen to Bing Crosby croon Christmas Carols while I walk the dogs and admire our neighborhood with a layer of snow on top. Also, Zoe LOVES the snow and because I love Zoe I keep rooting for the snow for her sake. Also I think my chances of moving to Vermont are better the less I say about my distaste for February. So there's that too.

*Am I the only one that enjoys lambasting months as a sort of festive sport?

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30th Year Bucket List Follow Up!

I'm not sure where the time has gone but I'm more than halfway to my 31st birthday (!)* which means I'm a bit overdue on checking in my 30th year bucket list. This year has really been flying by which I'm suspicious could have something to do with taking a 1 month vacation in the fall and then frantically trying to catch up from said vacation for the next few months. This turns out to be ok though since I had cleverly based my bucket list around said 1 month vacation. Cheating I know but there we have it.

 Looking at this list gives me a little inspiration to plan some more small trips and to knock a few more things off the list. The only thing that is absolutely not going to happen this year is the Blue Lagoon since we weren't able to finagle the layover in Iceland that I had originally hoped to do. Otherwise it's time to get myself moving on some of these fun little short term goals.

1.     Visit Barton Springs and Austen to see this lady.
2.     Make Bagels
3.     Go to the Library of Congress
4.     Foster at least 1 dog
5.   OKTOBERFEST!!!!   (Yes and Yes)
6.     Take a photoshop class (3rd year's the charm?)
7.     Take Zoe on a hike in the Shenandoah
8.     CANADA (Maybe PE Island based on my new obsession with Anne of GG)
9.     Read Little Women  (Charming but no Anne of Green Gables)
10.   Complete the Nations Tri (1st place? or how about just not last place?) (Not last place so I'm going to call that a victory!)
11.   Oxfordshire (Hi Inspector Lewis!)
12.   Archery Lesson
13.   Make Ice Cream
14.   Go to an Estate Sale (or 10)
15.   Blue Lagoon
16.   Visit Richmond (how is it possible I've never been?)
17.   European Football match
18.   Go to a Dock Jumping competition
19.   Buy a Kilim rug
20.   Visit Colonial Williamsburg
21.   Paddleboard
22.   Fish and Chips in London with this lady(yes)
23.   Trip to Maine (yes)
24.   AMSTERDAM (yes)
25.   Learn how to ride a Road Bike
26.   Read Little House on the Prairie
27.   Daytrip to Shepherdstown WV
28.   Go Sailing (with this lady) (post to come!)
29.   Crumpton Auction (here)
30.   Plan another vacation with Zoe (Cabin?)

*am I crazy or is that a scarier number even than 30?)

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Things I'd Like to Remember About Right Now


A list in no particular order of things I'd like to remember about right now:

How great snow days are. Today being the third snow day of the year I am feeling particularly fond of snow. It's funny, isn't it, how when you're a kid it doesn't even occur to you that adults are also a fan of snow days. Zoe, as it turns out, likes snow the best of anyone. More evidence that she would also like to live in Vermont (hi Mike!)

How much enjoyment I get out of reading cookbooks. This is a little silly since I pretty rarely cook out of them. They are always floating around the house from room to room as Kerry is also a cookbook reading enthusiast.

How I find trips downtown for happy hours or dinners out both slightly exhilarating and slightly overwhelming. It's hard to imagine that I lived in Adams Morgan for 5 years and now I go weeks without going into the big city, as I've come to call it.

How funny Frasier is! I remember thinking the show was funny when I was a kid but I have been positively delighted by it now in my older years. It's campy and dippy and I simply love it.

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