
The Weekend

Friends, hello. How was everyone's weekend? On Friday Mike and I attended a company party at the Museum of Natural History here in DC which turned out to be a lot of fun. I hadn't been to the museum in years and I was delighted to realize we had access to all the exhibits and could take our wine with us! Also, I know I sound like a proper grump saying this, but it was pretty amazing being at the museum with no children present. ha! 

On Saturday a friend and I took an introductory class at Dance Place, a local dance school/performance center which had some awkward moments but was also pretty fun. It's been about ten years since I've taken a dance class so it was nice to get back to it. I watched, ahem, Riverdance recently and now I'm itching to take a tap class. Does anyone have dance class recommendations in DC?

Sunday we had some friends over for brunch and beer brewing. I made this recipe which was excellent, and we watched What About Bob. Basically it was the perfect Sunday. I'm looking forward to some warmer temperatures this week, and to see the Lumineers on Wednesday (!).

Have a nice week everyone!

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