
Create at the Corcoran

Hello friends! Last night sister Kerry and I went to Create at the Corcoran to learn a little about printmaking. I've been on the Corcoran's email list since we went to see Jonathan Adler speak there last year and while they periodically have events that look fun, this one was too tempting to pass up. For $35 we got a glass of champagne, admission to the corcoran museum prior to the event, the  actual class, and more wine and cheese! 

During the class we did basic screenprinting - which for us just basically entailed dragging the yellow, and then the red paint across the screen, and then another type of printmaking for which I do not know the name where we drew an image and then printed it onto paper. I panicked when it was time to draw something and ended up with a canoe. This meant I was asked by everyone in class if I was big into canoeing. ha! It was such a fun way to spend a Wednesday night and I hope to go back to more of their happy hour events. Also if you were to decide that printmaking was your calling, the Corcoran also offers continuing education classes in the various forms of printmaking, among other things.

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  1. How cool! And a good deal for all that fun, really. I have a work trip to DC next week - my 4th time within a year - so I'm thinking I need to try the Corcoran with my free afternoon, now that I've done the other art museums on previous trips...

  2. Anne you should! The Corcoran is lovely! People also love the newseum if you haven't been there yet!


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