
More Adventures in Sheep Herding

Hello friends. This weekend was pretty uneventful with the exception of Zoe's big return to sheep herding. This time we drove out to Hog Dog Productions which was an easy 45 minute drive from DC. Definitely a more manageable journey than the trip out to Keepstone Farm. The format of this lesson was the same as last time, Mike and I took turns working with Zoe. It's fun being in there with the sheep and Zoe, only I mostly don't know what I'm doing and end up a little dizzy from walking in circles and trying not to let the sheep bully me. Seriously, if you've never tried walking around with sheep while your dog tries to herd them, allow me to tell you it is harder than it looks! Zoe loves it though so I'm going to try to take her back once a month or so and perhaps in the future just let Mike do the hard work while I watch leisurely from the sidelines.

 More photos after the jump!

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  1. Looks like she is really getting the hang of it! You are such a devoted dog mom :)

  2. omg you guys are awesome. and so is Zoe.


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