The Weekend (Delayed Edition)

Last weekend we had the pleasure of hosting a dear friend at Highclere. (Hi Alice!!). I'm really trying to pack in the day trips this summer so last Saturday we journeyed up to Fredrick, MD for lunch and a little antiquing.  Frederick is such a charming little historic city and only an hour drive from DC. Also! The antiques are actually priced really well. Generally when I go in antique stores I have the feeling that I would have to sell everything I own in order to be able to afford anything but in beautiful Frederick MD that is not the case! Frederick also has some little civil war museums which I would love to check out the next time I visit since you know how I get down.

After a lovely lunch and a bit of meandering about we headed off to our next destination: Larriland Farm. I've been picking berries at Larriland since I was just a little lady so I like to make the annual pilgrimage back. Somehow I always think the experience will be a touch more like a Jane Austen novel where in fact berry picking in MD is usually a hot, sweaty, and distinctly non Jane Austeny affair. Still I do get a thrill out of freshly picked berries even when you sweat out your body weight acquiring them.

The rest of the weekend involved a Burgoon crab family crab feast and a brunch in Eastern Market at Hanks. All in all a pretty winning weekend I would say. Come back and visit us soon Alice!

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1 comment:

  1. We drive through Frederick, MD during our trips between Maine & North Carolina - we might just have to stop now! Another town I've always wanted to stop in for antiques on the same trip is Lucketts, VA. It looks cute, but I have no idea if it's a good spot or not.

    Thanks for your super sweet comment on Map & Menu last week! Please let us know if we can be of any help with planning your trip to Maine!


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