Rugs have felt like one of the harder things to pin down for Highclere. Buying a rug seems like an oddly large decision, and I've been nervous about committing to such an expensive, and well, large item for our house. As I've documented here, and here, Craigslist is my favorite place to score treasures for our home. I feel like we've gotten some great steals on Craigslist, and I think it's more fun then just showing up at Ikea and purchasing matching items (not that at times that hasn't seemed like a good idea). Rugs though, have proved really challenging to come by on Craigslist. Good looking rugs anyway. I've been looking off and on since we moved in and haven't seen much of anything that interests me. We were lucky to find a couple of rugs we really like at Home Goods but our floors still look a little naked so I'm back on the hunt! I've had my eye on getting a kilim for awhile but I've found some really beautiful ones on Ebay so I'm thinking that might be the solution. Furbish also has some real beauties but unfortunately they are well out of my price range.
We'll see. If I get over my (rug) commitment phobia one of these little ditties might soon be mine!
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